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    三月份开张的这家叫 Alladvantage 的公司,主营电子商务,其中过人之处在于,它开创了因特网无本传销的先例, 且公司免费提供一个程序,只要你上网, 此软件就开始运行, 按每小时0.50美金付你钱, 它还用传销方法鼓励发展下线, 你可按0.10美元每一小时提取你的佣金。唯一与通常传销所不同的是你不用与任何人面对面传销, 且绝对无成本, 无风险, 利润大. 如果你发展5个直接下线会员,且每个直接下线会员平均只发展 5个扩展下线会员,每个会员每月上网20小时, 你每月就可得3920美金,听起来象天方夜潭, 然而这是千真万确。有人问, 该公司出得了这么多钱吗?回答是肯定的, 靠的是电子商务广告。电子商务,现只是冰上一角. 它是下一代的商务形式,是非常有前途的事业.美国走在前面。

    Alladvantage 公司又是先锋。看看Billgates,Yahoo 的老板们的几百亿美金,你就能相信他们付得起这个钱.对于在中国的用户,该公司的政策也一样欢迎没有限制。 但你最好填美国亲友的地址,可得到最高保障。有人说我只是做了人家的下线, 钱只被人家赚了, 错了,公司的政策对每个会员都是公平的。 每个会员只能发展四代下线会员,所以对每个会员的劳动成果是公平的. 唯一不同的是你动手越早,你的空间越大.话不多说了, 看你有无眼光了,不能总抱怨自己生不逢时, 路在脚下。心动不如行动。你现在要做的就是尽快注册一个帐号, 然后转发给你的朋友。





时间:Monday March 29 7:08 PM ET
标题:Company Offers To Pay Web Surfers
作者: MARTHA MENDOZA AP Business WriterSAN JOSE, Calif. (AP) - Mouse potatoes,rejoice
A new company isoffering Web surfers 50 cents an hour for their time online. Inexchange for the loot, the Internet users must allow a bar ofadvertisements to move across the bottom of their screen.AllAdvantage.com plans to launch the service Tuesday. Members,who sign up for free, earn money anytime they are online and disp-laying the so-called viewbar, which opens automatically whenevertheir browser is launched.They can make up to $20 a month (that's 40 hours online) and 5 cents an hour when people they referred are browsing online.AllAdvantage.com, based in Los Altos, Calif., isrun by Jim Jorgenson, who co-founded Discovery Zone children's indoorplaygrounds. ``The great thing is that our members can use theInternet the same way they always have, but now they get paid for it,'' said Jorgenson.He said the company will not sell, rent or exchange identifiable personal information about members.


一家公司提供给上网者每小时50美分(当他们在线时).作为交换,上网者要在他们屏幕的底部放置一个广告栏,alladvantage.com计划在周二投入这项服务,自由加入的成员就可一在任何时候上网并激活广告栏时获得收入,因为这个广告栏可自动被激活,他们就可得到每小时50美分的的收入(每个月在线40小时的限制),ALLAdvantage.com附属于Los Altos.Calif公司,由Jim.j-orgenson管理,他发明了孩子们的室内运动区域(什么意思?译者注).“它的最大特点是成员用户都按他们自己相同的办法上网,但现在他们得到资助”Jorgenson 说“公司将不会出卖、出租或拿固定用户的信息做交易”

美国bbc online network报道



时间:Tuesday, April 6, 1999 Published at 17:16 GMT 18:16 UK

标题:It pays to surf Members can earn 50 cents an hour

Internet users can now get paid for being online. A US company is of-fering its members 50 cents for every hour spent surfing. There is a catch - but not a big one. You only get paid when you keep an advert-ising bar open on screen. The Viewbar, as it is called, launches aut-omatically with the user's existing browser. It sits at the bottom ofthe window and acts like a clock. You can close the bar anytime. How-ever, if you keep it live, it is possible to earn a maximum of $20 a month. Referral system AllAdvantage.com, which is a Palo Alto, Calif-ornia-based company, deployed the new marketing strategy this week. "The great thing is that our members can use the Internet the same waythey always have, but now they get paid for it," says Jim Jorgensen, CEO of AllAdvantage.com. "Members do not need to change their browser,e-mail address or ISP (Internet Service Provider), and they can mini-mise or close the Viewbar with one click at any time." AllAdvantage isalso paying its members who refer friends to the system. In this way,a user can earn money for each hour a friend stays online with the Viewbar. UK viewpoint It is the type of marketing strategy that is morelikely to work in a mature Net environment such as the US, where e-co-mmerce and online advertising are further advanced than in the UK. Nic-holas Lansman from the UK's Internet Service Providers Association (ISPA)says telephone charges dissuade many people from going online even tho-ugh Net access itself can be obtained free of charge. He believes the useof the Viewbar idea in the UK will have to wait. "Advertising revenue isa function of how many people are viewing that piece of publicity, and in the UK - I would argue - the amount of people shopping online is alw-ays going to be hampered if the cost of going online remains so expensive."



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